Cognac Brown Sherman Oak ST32 Egger Square Edged Worktop 4.1 mtr x 920mm x 38mm

Code: ES1344 4092

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EGGER 1344 Square Edge Worktop
Cognac Brown Sherman Oak ST32 
4.1 x 920 x 38mm (square edge)

Matching upstands and splashbacks available.
Upstands are available from stock, allow 1 week for splashbacks.

ST32 Feelwood Vintage
EGGER has developed the ST32 Feelwood Vintage to complement the synchronised pore textures and adapted it synchronously to the décor image of the Sherman Oak. The scrap wood look is currently a very popular theme. The optical damage of the wood is perfectly realised by the synchronised surface.

Sherman Oak is an extremely rustic oak reproduction with used effects. shows in conjunction with the synchronous texture ST32 Feelwood Vintage a very rustic oak reproduction with used effects. The cognac brown colour tone supports the rustic naturalness of the decor.

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